Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day from Cadiz

We went to Carnival at Cadiz and saw these double decker swamis. Amidst all the drinking and chaos, they were actually a calm, welcoming sight. Of course, these street performers were illusionists, but it really did look like the top decker swami was "miraculously" suspended in air, or at least remarkably balanced on a pole held by the swami below

When upper decker swami heard a "kuchink" in his tin cup as people contributed a coin or two, he would rattle his beads (with eyes remaining closed), indicating the donor should take one of the rolled up messages from another cup. So we did.

Here's our message translated: "We can not do great things, only small things with great love."
(a quote from Mother Teresa)

A perfect message on this February 14th . Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Love, Deb and Jim