Sunday, February 23, 2014

Party in Paris

What better way to celebrate Jim's Big Birthday than to have a surprise
party in Paris? Jim knew we were going to Paris but had no idea about
anyone joining us...

Driving to the airport, Deb pulled the car over when she saw these hitchhikers.
SURPRISE! Friends Jill and Richard were the first to join us. They threw their
luggage in the car and to Jim's surprise headed to the airport with us.

Russ and Jenny showed up at the Seville Airport.

 It's starting to look like a party....All aboard Ryan Air for Paris...
Once in Paris, Terry (he's baaaack...) showed up as we were
checking into the apartment. He came all the way from Virginia
to celebrate Jim's big day. What a friend!

Pete persevered. He and Pat (see below) fought their way through a major
East Coast snow storm so they could make it to Jim's party. What good friends...

With their flight from Richmond cancelled, they stayed on the phone for hours trying to be
rerouted. Their persistence paid off, and they made it to Paris!
Two hour line to go up the Eiffel Tower. But it was worth it.
Cheers on top of the Eiffel Tower.

A perfect day with a fabulous view. Russ, you're better looking sans mask!
Notre Dame at the perfect time of day.
On our way to Montmartre. Where's the funicular??

Terry, holding up the wall.

We hit the hot spots....
Back at the apartment. Joyeux anniversaire!

Feliz cumpleanos!

Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us!
Where to next year??