Sunday, October 14, 2012

We Love Mallorca

We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to visit Mallorca. We loved the hiking, the vistas, the quintessential European villages, the mountains, the shops, our little Nissan “race car,” the “petit hotel” where we stayed (including our stone garret with little windows that opened out onto the street), the food, and our time together.

View from our room.

We stayed in Alcudia, in the northern part of the island, which
is less crowded.

Let's buy this house. (Peggy?)

We took a short train ride from Soller to the Port.


Cloud 9.

Photo taken from inside the car.

Hike on our first day led us to this cove where we sat at a table in the sand for lunch.

It was hard to believe it was October. High 70s, low 80s. Just lovely.

Second day of hiking---a little more formidable! We
were headed to Ermita de la Victoria. (Thank goodness for

Best of both worlds: Hiking with vistas of  the Mediterranean and mountains.

Reminded us a little of Lagos, Portugal.

Mallorcan wild goat is unique to the Island. They were grazing all over the mountains.

Morning glories, as well as so many other flowers, were
still in full bloom. This area must get more rain and milder
temps than we do because many of the same flowers
where we live are past their prime.

Here's our little hotel--- a renovated 10th century building.
We stayed in the attic. Beautifully renovated.

Last day. Roads were steep and curvy. And driving our little rented Nissan car, which
hugged every turn, was a blast.

More vistas from the car.

We stopped at the village of  Deia for lunch.

Houses were perched on cliffs.

Quintessential European street scene.

A thirty minute walk from town, through the hills, brought us to this out-of-the-way
cafe on a cove. This was the hang-out for "local" Robert Graves and other
literati back in the day.
Our view from the restaurant.

By chance, we arrived in Alcudia on the first day of Feria, which is "the party of
the year." Unlike Andalucia where everyone gets dressed up in traditional garb, here
Feria was more like a county fair. 

We had a romantic meal here.
We only have high praise for Mallorca.
 If you have the chance to go, do it!
Hasta luego, Deb and Jim

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