Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pastoral Portugal

Last weekend, we drove to Portugal. 

It was hard to believe that we were only three hours from home.
Everything was so green and pastoral. 
Portugal? or Ireland?
Signs of early spring: woolly sheep ready for shearing and lambs everywhere.

Old wind power facing new. Look carefully!
We spent the night in a funky little town called Mertola--

---located on a hill by the Guadiana River.
Like most little towns, Mertola had its fair share of colorful doors, interesting door
knockers, and cobblestone streets.

This fanciful church was originally a mosque, built in the second half of the
12th century by the Moors. We're surprised Disney
 hasn't tried to replicate this!
At the highest point of the town was this very cool castle, which visitors could freely explore.

The second day we went on a 5.5 mile hike down into a gorge, which included a lot of rock scrambling (hands and feet), bushwhacking, and a final upward climb. Most of the way we followed the river, and half way through the hike we arrived at this waterfall. We didn't get lost---a great feat for us! It was a lot of fun and a beautiful area to explore.

Friendly faces along the way.

Curious faces.

And funny faces, too. It was Jim's birthday.
 He's aging well, don't you think?

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